Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life? Whether it's going to college, having a child, moving, marriage, divorce, career changes, or other significant life events, we all face challenges that can be difficult to navigate. Barbara understands that life is a journey, and you don't have to walk it alone.

Barbara believes that effective communication is the cornerstone of identifying and addressing your unique challenges and opportunities. She is dedicated to truly understanding your experiences and working collaboratively to create a personalized plan that meets your specific needs.

Having immigrated to the United States in 2001, Barbara has firsthand experience with the complexities of change and adaptation. Her diverse background, including living and working in various countries, has equipped her with a deep sensitivity and ability to connect with people from all walks of life and cultures.

Barbara received her Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Fort Hays State University, as well as a Bachelor and Master of Arts in Psychology from Universidad del Salvador, Argentina. Additionally Barbara successfully passed the National Counseling Examination (NCE - 2024)


¿Te sientes abrumado por las demandas de la vida? Ya sea que estés yendo a la universidad, teniendo un hijo, mudándote, casándote, divorciándote, cambiando de carrera u otros eventos significativos, todos enfrentamos desafíos que pueden ser difíciles de navegar. Barbara entiende que la vida es un viaje, y no tienes que caminarlo solo.

Barbara cree que la comunicación efectiva es la piedra angular para identificar y abordar tus desafíos y oportunidades únicos. Ella está dedicada a comprender verdaderamente tus experiencias y a trabajar de manera colaborativa para crear un plan personalizado que satisfaga tus necesidades específicas.

Habiendo emigrado a los Estados Unidos en 2001, Barbara tiene experiencia de primera mano con las complejidades del cambio y la adaptación. Su diversa experiencia, incluyendo vivir y trabajar en varios países, la ha equipado con una profunda sensibilidad y capacidad para conectar con personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida y culturas.

Barbara recibió su Maestría en Ciencias en Consejería de Salud Mental Clínica de Fort Hays State University, así como una Licenciatura y Maestría en Psicología de la Universidad del Salvador, Argentina. Además, Barbara aprobó exitosamente el Examen Nacional de Consejería (NCE - 2024).

 SESSION OFFERINGS: Individual Sessions, Couples


  • Tuesdays: 2:00pm - 8:00pm

  • Wednesdays: 2:00pm - 8:00pm



  • Anxiety and depression

  • Trauma Recovery/PTSD

  • Self-worth and self-esteem

  • Relationship Conflict

  • Infidelity

  • Interpersonal (family) conflicts

  • Life transitions

  • Women Issues

  • Motherhood/Postpartum Anxiety/Depression

  • Solution Focused Brief Therapy

  • Positive Psychology

Offers Faith-Based Counseling: Yes

Fluent in Spanish: Yes